This Week, Next Week: 20th September, 2015

Good morning. Another Sunday, another weekly check in. How have people’s weeks been? Mine has been interesting. I’ve started a six week course in mindfulness and am finding, through the exercises, I’m having to do quite a few changes to how I think and things I do. I’m still not sure I’ve gotten my head around exactly what it is but I do know I’m already feeling more in control of my days.

So far, it’s been simple changes, like not sitting in front of my computer during conference calls so I’m not tempted to try to respond to emails at the same time. I was worried it would stress me out because I wasn’t multi-tasking – my default mode – but it was the opposite. I felt more focused and in control. This week, I’m going to try the meditation exercises – something I’ve tried and failed at before because my mind wanders but I’m determined this time to give it a real go. Fingers crossed!

On other, book related, notes I posted two reviews this week.


Blood Sisters by Graham Masterton was good but not as good as I’d hoped because of the ending, which I felt let it down. This is the fifth in a series of books and I think I may have read one too many in too short a period. The Prodigal by Nicky Black more than made up for any disappointment though. Set in Newcastle in 1999 and focused on a run down estate, drug deals, and a policeman returning to his home town after over a decade away, I found it fast-paced and enjoyable.


I finished the two books I had started, Still Waters by Viveca Sten and The Lady in the Tower by Alison Weir (link to goodreads), the story of the rise and fall of Anne Bolyen and I should be getting reviews of these posted this week.


I’m also going to carry on reading Romantic Outlaws this week. As it’s a bit of an epic I may alternate it with one of the books I’ve picked up this week, Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica which I think everyone in the world but me has read, or After Anna by Alex Lake which I’ve not heard off before I bought it but it does sound good (links to goodreads for last two books).

And that’s it for this week. What have you been up to? Any good books being read?


Again this week, I’m linking in with Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and her Sunday Post. Head over to see what other bloggers have read, written about or just added to their shelves.

The Sunday Post


    • Thanks – the first week has been really good so hopefully the whole six weeks will be. Will let you know how it goes and if the meditation works. Have a good week. šŸ˜„


  1. I like the idea of being more mindful of what I’m doing instead of cramming as much multi-tasking in as I can. I’m curious about meditation as well. I’m on the high strung side so I’ve never been particularly great at it but I think it’d be a good way to refresh. Seriously great books this week! Kubica is an author I’ve been wanting to try out and The Lady in the Tower sounds amazing. Have a great week!


    • I do struggle with the idea of doing nothing, which is how I see meditation but I suppose that’s part of changing my mindset. I’ve downloaded an App so we’ll see how it works. Supposedly being mindful leads to a longer life so there is a definite plus to it šŸ˜„


  2. That class sound interesting- I sometimes think we’ve been conditioned to multi task too much! Might not be a bad idea to decompress a bit. Good luck with it! And happy reading this week!


  3. Emma, the mindfulness course sounds great as I’m a mutli-tasker too and always have a million tabs open on my computer and always thinking of the thing I need to do next.

    Keen to hear more about it as you go along!

    Enjoy Pretty Baby… it’s the only one I’ve read out of your upcoming reads.



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