Weekly update: 1st October, 2017

Weekly update

Morning all and welcome to another Sunday and another weekly update.  It’s been a bit of an odd week for me I have to say.  Last week, my aunt died, with the funeral this Monday just gone.  It’s been sad and also shocking as she got ill and passed very quickly and I’m not sure anyone in my family has really gotten their heads around it yet.

Add to that this was my last week of work and I spent three days in London handing over to my replacement and I have felt completely out of sync with life.  The good news on that front though is, after months and months (I worked a five month notice period!) I am finally done and able to start my new life come tomorrow – I can’t wait for this but with my aunt it feels like I haven’t been able to get as excited as I might…hopefully that will come. 

With so much going on I struggled with reading this week, I just couldn’t get my head into any of my books and currently have three half read and looking at me guiltily wondering when I will finish them (the answer is hopefully this week but I wouldn’t count on it – I may just start something new instead).

It also meant I only posted a few times.  These included two reviews and stacking shelves.  The reviews were for…

The Pocket Wife by Susan H. Crawford, which I really enjoyed.  I had picked this up at the library after hearing a lot about it when it firs came out but have to admit I wasn’t that excited about reading it until people started commenting that they had loved it.  I can now say I see why.  I thought this was a clever book with interesting characters.

The Travelling Bag by Susan Hill, which I wish I had enjoyed more because I love Susan Hill and I love ghost stories and this promised me four that would leave my spine tingling.  Two managed to do the job but the others left me a bit flat I’m afraid.

The Travelling Bag may be another reason my reading was off because I needed something to perk my reading up afterwards and, so far, nothing has hit the spot.  To try and get me over the reading slump I went to the library and shared the books I picked up in my Stacking the shelves post.  Fingers crossed they work!

And that’s it for me this week.  How about you – how was your week, reading and otherwise?  Let me know, I’m nosey!

Emma x

This week, I’m linking in with Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and her Sunday Post and with Katherine at Book Date for It’s Monday, What Are you Reading? Head over by clicking on their badges below to see what other bloggers have read, written about or just added to their shelves.



  1. Sorry to hear about your aunt! My condolences. And happy for you to be done with work, good luck with whatever you’re doing next!

    I like the new books, especially Running Blind. Looks like some good thrillers…


    • Thanks. It’s odd when people die when you don’t expect it. She wasn’t that old (well at least not by today’s standards) and so everyone just seems a bit stunned. I know with time it will fade but boy it knocked us for a loop. I hope all goes well with working for myself…so scary!


  2. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your Aunt. That is completely understandable how that would affect the end of an era for you, going from one adventure to the next.
    I hope your library books get you out of your slump and enjoy your first day of self-employment!


    • Thank you. It has just thrown us all for a loop. So far, so good on the first day – even if it hasn’t involved much more than registering with HMRC and organising the office!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. All of your new books look like winners! *fingers crossed that you love one of them*
    I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. I have this philosophy about life being checks and balances. Bad happens then good to balance it out and vice-versa. I hope you r new endeavor is the good.
    Have a good week and happy reading!


    • I hope so. It is sad about my aunt and we have to remember the good. You are right about checks and balances and I can say she had a good, happy, life and was very much loved so you can’t ask for more than that can you?


  4. I’m so sorry to hear of your aunt – it’s such a terrible shock when someone close dies so unexpectedly. I’m guessing that she was very seriously ill and all I can say is that at least she didn’t linger to continue suffering. My thoughts are with you and your family.x
    I hope this new, exciting phase of your professional life is a blast – at least you won’t be trudging up and down to London… Have a better week, Emma.


    • Thank you. It is better she didn’t linger as she was in pain and we need to remember the good. I will not be missing London – though I do have a girls weekend there at the end of November so you never truly escape.


  5. I’m sorry to hear about your aunt but glad that you have finally worked out your notice. I am a one-book-at-a-time reader so having three unfinished is odd to me. Aren’t any of them calling to you to finish them? Come see my week here. Happy reading!


    • Thank you. I rarely read more than one book at a time unless it’s a large physical book I don’t want to haul round in my bag. No, none of them seem to need to be finished right now but I may feel differently once I have my reading mojo back.


  6. So sorry to hear about the passing of your aunt. I’ve had two relatives pass away in the last month and it is a weird feeling. We sort of knew it was coming eventually but it still takes you by surprise. I hope you and your family start healing soon. Hopefully, the excitement about new adventures will kick soon as well! Even though you have 3 books waiting to be read, maybe it’s time to pick up something completely different and easy going to get you reading again. That’s what I usually have to do haha!

    My What I’m Reading post


    • It is a weird feeling, you are right. I have decided to give the books that were being read a rest and try something new. So far, it seems to be working – but I haven’t finished anything yet so we’ll see 🙂


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